
The Open Charge Point Interface (OCPI) enables scalable, automated roaming between Charge Point Operators (CPOs) and e-Mobility Service Providers (eMSPs). It supports various functionalities including authorization, charge point information exchange (including transaction events), charge detail record exchange, and the exchange of smart-charging commands between parties.
The OCPI protocol is developed and maintained by the EVRoaming Foundation.
The eMabler Charge Point Management System supports OCPI versions 2.1.1 and 2.2 in a CPO role, offering the following functionalities:
- Authorization
- Tariff information
- Static charge point information (e.g., location)
- Real-time charge point status information
- (Real-time) session information
- Charge Detail Record (CDR) information
- Remote start/stop (for use via mobile app)
- Smart charging support
- Platform monitoring
- Peer-to-peer roaming
The following functionalities are currently on our roadmap:
- Roaming via hub
- Calibration law (Eichrecht) support
If you want to add a new OCPI integration via eMabler UI, you can check the instructions from Managing OCPI integrations.