Supporting new chargers
If you have a charger model and you don’t know if it’s supported, what to do?
Check if the charger supports OCPP 1.6 or 2.0.1 JSON over secure websockets (most of them do).
If yes, continue. If not, contact eMabler support.
Create a new charger in eMabler, with the new charger’s ID
Record the time and configure the charger to connect to eMabler
Try to use the charger and see what happens.
Most chargers work well out-of-the box and there is little risk in just trying
Contact eMabler support to have us perform a full compatibility test and record the results.
Also tell us the time you recorded in step 3, it will help us analyze the charger. You may also run the compatibility test yourself, we can provide you with the testing procedure.