๐ New featuresโ
Success rate metrics on dashboardโ
Now you can easily see which of your chargers are performing the worst and quickly identify problems that way. The total success rate of all the chargers is also shown on dashboard.
Redesigned integration pageโ
An easier way of managing locations, chargers, and tariffs for integrations. Integrations can be linked to existing sites, which makes setting up integrations even easier.
New way of managing Tariffsโ
New tariffs page where you can manage all the tariffs for your charging sites. Tariffs are globally usable within the system, so no need to anymore create integration or site-specific tariffs.
Lots of UI improvementsโ
Many pages have been cleaned up and made more unified to make the user experience more consistent. Multiple help texts are added around the system to make the current status clearer for the user. Combined view and edit modes in many places.
๐ช Enhancementsโ
eMabler UIโ
- New success rate metrics on dashboard
- Integration page redesigned and updated
- New tariff page
- Unified user experience in many places
- Added help texts to indicate system status better
- Combined view and edit modes in multiple pages
- Public name field added to site details
- Physical reference field added to charger details
- Unified design for coordinate selection with map
eMabler APIโ
- New API to get success rate metrics of desired timeframe.
- New APIs to add, update and fetch tariffs that can be used globally within the system.
- New API to fetch integrations by site id.
- Add location API was changed so that an existing site can be linked to an integration.
- Charger APIs have now a new field: physicalReference.
- New tariffs cannot be added any more to the specific integration, but existing ones can be updated still.
- When adding a charger to a location of integration mandatory fields are validated (evseid and socket properties).
๐ Bug fixesโ
eMabler UIโ
- Fixed search bar crashing the page in multiple places.
- Language selector shows the correct active language now.
- Fixed incorrect charger status counts on dashboard.
- Fixed very long user names overflowing from profile button.
- POST charging profiles did not work if charger has more than one socket.
- Retrying credentials exchange did not work in all cases.