📄️ Update DLM group
Sends a request to update the DLM group specified by its id.
📄️ Update an external meter
Send a request to update the external meter specified by its id.
📄️ Add a new DLM group
Sends a request to add a new group for the DLM specified in the request body.
📄️ Add a new external meter to the DLM specification
Send a request to add a new external meter to the DLM specification.
📄️ Remove DLM group from the system
Request will delete the DLM group from system. The group needs to be empty withuot neither subgroups nor chargers
📄️ Get a single DLM group with its subgroups, external meters and chargers
Sends a request to get a single DLM group by its group id. Its subgroups, external meters and and chargers are returned as well.
📄️ Delete an external meter
Send a request to delete an external meter from the DLM data.
📄️ Get a DLM specific data with its subsites, external meters and chargers
Send a request to get DLM specific data by its identifier. Its subsites' data, external meters and and chargers are returned as well.
📄️ Get the tree of all DLM groups with their subgroups, external meters and chargers
Sends a request to get all the DLM groups. Their subgroups, external meters and and chargers are returned as well.
📄️ Remove the charger from the DLM group
Sends a request to remove a single charger by its DLM group
📄️ Add the charger to the DLM group
Sends a request to add the charger to the DLM group specified by its groupid. If the charger already belongs to a DLM group, the group will be updated.
📄️ Remove the charger group from the DLM group
Remove the connection between DLM group and charger group totally or remove only chargers from DLM group and leave DLM group connected to charger group
📄️ Remove the DLM group from its parent group
Sends a request to remove a DLM group from its parent group. Parent group must be different from the child group.
📄️ Add/Change the DLM group to a parent group
Sends POST request to add the DLM group to a parent group or PATCH request to change existing DLM parent group. Parent group must be different from the child group.
📄️ Link a charger group to a DLM group and add all the chargers belonging to the charger group to the DLM group
Sends a request to link a charger group to a DLM group if they were not already linked and add all the chargers belonging to the charger group chargerGroupid to the DLM group specified by dlmGroupid.