📄️ Add a new site
Send a request to add a new site specified in the request body.
📄️ Remove the site from its parent site
Send a request to remove a site from its parent site. Parent site must be different from the subsite.
📄️ Add subsite to parent site or change parent site
Send POST request to add the site under a parent site or PATCH request to change existing parent site of the subsite. Parent site and subsiten cannot be same.
📄️ Update site information
Send a request to update content of the site specified by its id. Only the fields to be changed need to be written in the body.
📄️ Get all drivers having access to the site's chargers
Send a request to get all drivers having rights to charge the site's chargers
📄️ Get all drivers having access right to given sites
Send a request to get all drivers that have charging rights to the sites' chargers
📄️ Get a single site with its subsites and chargers
Send a request to get a single site by its site id. Its subsites and chargers are included.
📄️ Remove a site from the system
Request will delete the site from system. The site needs to be empty withuot subsites, chargers, drivers or operators and not having DLM activated
📄️ Get a single site with its subsites and chargers
Send a request to get a single site by its external id. Its subsites and chargers are included.
📄️ Get the tree of all sites with their subsites and chargers
Send a request to get all the sites and subgsites with their chargers that belongs to the customer
📄️ Get all the chargers in the site
Send a request to get all the chargers inside the site
📄️ Add the charger to the site
Send a request to add the charger to the site specified by its id. If the charger already belongs to a another site, the the charger will be removed from there.