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Get all the chargers in the site

x-ms-visibility: "important"

Send a request to get all the chargers inside the site

Path Parameters
    groupid int32 required

    This is the globally unique ID for the site


Return the JSON representation of all the chargers inside the specified site

  • Array [
  • id int64 nullable
    chargerId string
    chargerName string
    groupId int64
    groupName string
    firmwareVersion string nullable
    publicGroupName string nullable
    manufacturer string nullable
    serialNumber string nullable
    chargerModel string nullable
    amountOfSockets int32 deprecated
    lastSeen date-time
    lastMessage string nullable
    activeConnection boolean
    chargerStatus string
    locationInfo object
    latitude double
    longitude double
    streetAddress string nullable
    streetNumber string
    houseLetter string nullable
    postalNumber string
    city string nullable
    area string nullable
    country string nullable
    pushIntegrationEnabled boolean
    chargerSpecificMessageStructure boolean
    chargerConfigurations object[] nullable
  • Array [
  • configName string
    configValue string
    canBeChanged boolean
  • ]
  • sockets object[] nullable
  • Array [
  • type string nullable
    maxPower string nullable
    status string
    id int32
    name string
    deviceEvseId int32 nullable
    deviceConnectorId int32 nullable
    format string nullable
    socketPowerType string nullable
    maxWatts int32 nullable
    maxVoltage int32 nullable
    maxAmperage int32 nullable
    phaseRotation string nullable
    termsAndConditions uri nullable
    lastUpdated date-time
    chargingStationEvseId int32 nullable
  • ]
  • evseId string

    Syntax according to eMI3 standard, for example: FRA23E45B78C

    splitEvseBySocket boolean

    if false, EVSE UID = chargerId; if true, EVSE UID = chargerId + socketId

    capabilities string[]
    physicalReference string nullable
    integrationRelays string[] nullable
    iccid string nullable
    imsi string nullable
    meterSerialNumber string nullable
    meterType string nullable
    customProperties object nullable
    property name* string
  • ]