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14 posts tagged with "API"

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Β· 2 min read

πŸš€ New features​

Locked spot price support for tariffs​

Tariffs now support a new price element type: ENERGY_SPOT_LOCKED. With ENERGY_SPOT_LOCKED you can calculate the price for the charging session based on the spot price given on the start of the charging session. This spot price will then be used for the entirety of the session. This allows for a more dynamic approach on creating tariffs on eMabler Platform!

Adding an ENERGY_SPOT_LOCKED tariff

You can create a new locked spot price by giving the bidding area, margin and tax percentage. Price of the current spot price on the start time of the charging session will be used to calculate the price for the entire charging session.

Viewing an ENERGY_SPOT_LOCKED tariff

Today's spot prices are visible on the tariff page

New Charging Data Records page​

You can now view Charging Data Records through the eMabler UI! Charging Data Records can be filtered and exported in the same way as Charging Statistics, so you will be able to make even better use of the charging data on eMabler Platform.

Charging Data Records page

You can find the new Charging Data Records from the main navigation

πŸͺ„ Enhancements​

eMabler UI​

  • Driver RFIDs now support start time as well, which makes it possible to set RFID validity in advance


  • Add support for RFID start time for Drivers
  • Response returns spot prices for tariff if price element type is ENERGY_SPOT_LOCKED
  • Add query parameters for groups APIs to allow for faster queries in certain situations

πŸ› Bug fixes​

eMabler UI​

  • Show linked site's chargers always when managing integration locations
  • Performance fixes with sites which have large number of subsites


  • Fix deletion of integration locations without chargers

Β· One min read

πŸš€ New features​

New API for getting Charging Data Records​

Now you can fetch Charging Data Records with the new API: /integrations/cdrs

πŸͺ„ Enhancements​


  • Added possibility enter either invoice message or invoice reference to payer data

eMabler UI​

  • Added invoice message field for Payment tab under Site and Driver pages
  • Charging Statistics results column order is now saved to browsers memory

πŸ› Bug fixes​


  • Fixed number of offline sockets in eMabler UI dashboard
  • Other minor bug fixes

eMabler UI​

  • Fixed tariff page loading infinitely under site if there were no tariffs in the system
  • Added performance enhancements for Site manager sidebar navigation user interface rendering

Β· One min read

πŸͺ„ Enhancements​

eMabler UI​

  • New list view of all chargers that belong to the same site as current charger on charger page.
  • β€œPower cost” tab under Site navigation renamed to β€œTariff”.
    • Data about selected tariff is shown in new format on the page.

OCPP 1.6.​

  • Added functionality to ask charger to send status notification about its socket’s states.
    • In case the charger has been offline for a long time and the sockets have been put to offline state.

Β· 3 min read

πŸš€ New features​

Success rate metrics on dashboard​

Now you can easily see which of your chargers are performing the worst and quickly identify problems that way. The total success rate of all the chargers is also shown on dashboard.

Redesigned integration page​

An easier way of managing locations, chargers, and tariffs for integrations. Integrations can be linked to existing sites, which makes setting up integrations even easier.

New way of managing Tariffs​

New tariffs page where you can manage all the tariffs for your charging sites. Tariffs are globally usable within the system, so no need to anymore create integration or site-specific tariffs.

Lots of UI improvements​

Many pages have been cleaned up and made more unified to make the user experience more consistent. Multiple help texts are added around the system to make the current status clearer for the user. Combined view and edit modes in many places.