📄️ Add a new driver
Create a new driver with specified details.
📄️ Get drivers
Retrieve a list of all drivers associated with the user.
📄️ Add chargers to driver
Add a list of chargers to the specified driver.
📄️ Delete driver chargers
Remove chargers from a driver.
📄️ Get driver chargers
Retrieve a list of all chargers authorized for the specified driver.
📄️ Add driver sites
Associate a driver with multiple sites.
📄️ Delete driver sites
Remove multiple sites associated with a driver.
📄️ Get driver sites
Retrieve a list of all sites associated with the specified driver.
📄️ Delete a driver
Delete a driver by ID.
📄️ Get driver by ID
Retrieve details of a single driver by their ID.
📄️ Update driver
Update driver details such as name, external ID, home site, and payer ID.