Get drivers
x-ms-visibility: "important"
Retrieve a list of all drivers associated with the user.
Query Parameters
page int32
Page to be fetched. Default: 1
limit int32
Limit (No. of records per page). Max value: 100. Default: 100.
search string
Free text filter for driver name.
sortKey string
Field to be used for sorting. Default: name
sortDescending boolean
Set to 'true' to sort descending based on sort key. Default: 'false'
homeSiteId int32
Filter by driver home site ID.
- 200
- 400
- 401
List of drivers accessible by the user.
Example (from schema)
- Array [
- Array [
- ]
- ]
page int32
limit int32
totalRecords int32
hasNextPage boolean
hasPreviousPage boolean
items object[]
id int64
externalId string
name string
homeSiteId int64 nullable
payerId int64 nullable
homeSiteName string
tags object[]
id int64
idTag string
expiringDate date-time
startDate date-time nullable
lastUpdated date-time nullable
tokenName string
invoicable boolean nullable
driverId int64
"page": 0,
"limit": 0,
"totalRecords": 0,
"hasNextPage": true,
"hasPreviousPage": true,
"items": [
"id": 0,
"externalId": "string",
"name": "string",
"homeSiteId": 0,
"payerId": 0,
"homeSiteName": "string",
"tags": [
"id": 0,
"idTag": "string",
"expiringDate": "2025-02-17T11:24:21.308Z",
"startDate": "2025-02-17T11:24:21.308Z",
"lastUpdated": "2025-02-17T11:24:21.308Z",
"tokenName": "string",
"invoicable": true,
"driverId": 0
Exception Details
Example (from schema)
errorCode string
message string
errorNumber int32
helpLink string
"errorCode": "string",
"message": "string",
"errorNumber": 0,
"helpLink": "string"
User not authorised