📄️ Add operators
Add one or multiple operators based on the given information
📄️ Add permissions to operators
Add one or more permissions to one or more operators based on the given information.
📄️ Update permissions of operators
Replace existing permissions with the provided permissions for one or more operators.
📄️ Add site access to multiple operators
Adds the specified site access to one or more operators. This does not replace existing access but only adds new site access entries.
📄️ Update site access for multiple operators
Replaces the existing site access with the provided site access for one or more operators. If an empty array is provided, all site access will be removed.
📄️ Delete operators
Delete one or multiple operators based on the given array of operator ids
📄️ Delete site access from multiple operators
Removes the specified site access from one or more operators. This operation only removes the specified site access entries and does not affect other access.
📄️ Get the current operator
Get the operator based on the current user.
📄️ Get operator
Get a single operator based on the unique operator id. Possible values for SigninType: Federated, emailAddress
📄️ Get operators
Get a list of operators. Possible values for SigninType: Federated, emailAddress
📄️ Site access for single operator
Get site access for a single operator based on the operator id. Site access is given in hierarchical format, traversal can be done by giving parentSiteId.
📄️ Update the operator
Update operator information and permissions
📄️ Update the home site for a list of operators
Updates the home site for the specified list of operators
📄️ Assign roles to an operator
Assign one or more roles to an operator.
📄️ Remove roles from an operator
Removes one or more roles from an operator.
📄️ Update roles assigned to an operator
Replace the operator's existing roles with the provided roles.