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Site access for single operator

x-ms-visibility: "important"

Get site access for a single operator based on the operator id. Site access is given in hierarchical format, traversal can be done by giving parentSiteId.

Path Parameters
    operatorId string required

    Unique operator identifier.

Query Parameters
    page int32 required

    Page to be fetched. Default: 1

    limit int32 required

    Limit (No. of records per page). Max value: 100. Default: 100.

    sortKey string

    Sort field to be used. Supported values are 'name'. Default: 'name'

    sortDescending boolean

    Set to 'true' to sort descending based on sort key. Default: 'false'

    search string

    Free text filter for sites based on site name


Paginated site access for the operator

    page int32
    limit int32
    totalRecords int32
    hasNextPage boolean
    hasPreviousPage boolean
    items object[]
  • Array [
  • id int64
    name string
  • ]