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Get transaction history of the charger

x-ms-visibility: "important"

This method returns the transaction history of the charger

Path Parameters
    chargerId string required

    This is globally an unique ID for the charger

Request Body
    startTime date-time

    The oldest transaction start time to fetch

    startTimeSearchEnd date-time

    The newest transaction start time to fetch

    stopTimeSearchBegin date-time

    The oldest transaction end time to fetch

    stopTime date-time

    The newest transaction end time to fetch

    chargerIDs string[]
    userIDs string[]
    groupIDs string[]
    rfidTags string[]

Transaction history filtered by request body. Max 1000 transactions are included

    results object[]
  • Array [
  • startTimeUTC date-time
    endTimeUTC date-time
    chargerId string
    socketId int32
    rfidTag string
    userId int64
    userName string
    groupId int64
    groupName string
    driverGroupId int64 nullable
    driverGroupName string
    consumptionWH int32
    consumptionKWH double
    transactionLengthMinutes double
    transactionId int64
    powerCostPerUnit double nullable
    currency string
    vatPercent double nullable
    totalCostInclVat double nullable
    totalCostExclVat double nullable
    totalVatAmount double nullable
    evseTransactionId string
    operationTimestamp date-time nullable
  • ]