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Get all the payers for the customer

x-ms-visibility: "important"

Send a request to get all the payers from eMabler system.

Query Parameters
    includeDrivers string

    If true, drivers related to the payers are included. Default if omitted: false

    includeSites string

    If true, sites related to the payers are included. Default if omitted: false


Returns payer data

  • Array [
  • id int64
    name string
    email string
    invoiceReference string
    invoiceMessage string
    streetAddress string
    city string
    postalCode string
    country string
    lastUpdated date-time
    drivers object[]
  • Array [
  • id int64
    name string
  • ]
  • sites object[]
  • Array [
  • id int64
    groupName string
  • ]
  • language string
  • ]