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Provides statistics info about success rate of chargers

x-ms-visibility: "important"

Use this to search info about success rate of chargers. If timestamps are omitted, data from the last 30 are fetched. If maxNumberOFChargers is omitted, 50 items are replied. If chargerIds is omitted, all chargers with transactions are included

Request Body
    startTime date-time nullable
    stopTime date-time nullable
    chargerIds string[]

    Chargers which success rate are fetched. If omitted, all the chargers

    maxNumberOfChargers int32

    If ChargerIds is missing, how many chargers will be listed in a reply. If omitted, default is 50


Returns all success rate data that matches the search parameters

    startTime date-time nullable
    stopTime date-time nullable
    customerSuccessRate double
    results object[]
  • Array [
  • chargerId string
    chargerName string
    groupId int64
    groupName string
    successRate double
  • ]