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Update existing integration data

x-ms-visibility: "important"

Use this endpoint to update integration cnfiguration.

Path Parameters
    integrationType string required

    Integration type of the integration to be updated, currently available OCPI, UtilityCloud and Salesforce

    integrationId string required

    This is an Unique id of the integration in eMabler system

Request Body

Configuration data that can be updated

    models object
    pushCdr boolean nullable
    pushSession boolean nullable
    pushTariff boolean nullable
    pushLocation boolean nullable
    pullTokensAll boolean nullable
    pullTariff boolean nullable
    pullLocation boolean nullable
    pullSession boolean nullable
    pullCdr boolean nullable
    pullVersionDetails boolean nullable
    retryCredentialsExchange boolean nullable
    chargingPeriodIntervalInMinutes int32 nullable
    stateofChargeIsSent boolean nullable
    freeVendingWithIdtagAllowed boolean nullable
    integrationName string

Returns the ok message


