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Update the tag for the driver

x-ms-visibility: "important"

Send a request to update data of the tag belonging to a driver

Path Parameters
    userid int32 required

    This is the globally unique ID for the driver

    idTag string required

    This is the globally unique ID for the tag

Request Body required

Tag object that needs to be updated. If the idTag has some special charatecter, they will be removed. Invoicable flag is meaningful only if you have taken in use the invoicing service, default value: false

    id int64
    idTag string
    expiringDate date-time
    startDate date-time nullable
    lastUpdated date-time nullable
    tokenName string
    invoicable boolean

    Invoicable is meaningful only if you have taken in use the invoicing service, default value is false


The tag has been updated successfully
