Add a new site
x-ms-visibility: "important"
Create a new site under the specified parent group or as a root site.
Request Body required
Details of the site to create.
- Array [
- ]
name string
publicName string
externalId string
parentSiteId int64 nullable
groupType string
streetAddress string
city string
country string
latitude double
longitude double
postalCode string
timezone string
payerId int64 nullable
costId string
paymentRecipientId int64 nullable
isPublicSite boolean
parkingType string
tariffReferences object[]
tariffId string
usageType string
tags string[]
notes string
- 201
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The created site details.
Example (from schema)
- Array [
- ]
- Array [
- ]
id int64 nullable
name string nullable
publicName string
isPublicSite boolean nullable
groupType string
externalId string
streetAddress string
city string
postalCode string
country string
latitude double nullable
longitude double nullable
timezone string
parentSiteId int64 nullable
payerId int64 nullable
costId string
paymentRecipientId int64 nullable
parkingType string
parentName string
numberOfChargers int64 nullable
numberOfSubsites int64 nullable
sitePath object[]
siteId int64
siteName string
tariffReferences object[]
groupId string
tariffId string
usageType int32 nullable
Possible values: [0
, 1
Default value: 0
metadata string[]
notes string
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"publicName": "string",
"isPublicSite": true,
"groupType": "string",
"externalId": "string",
"streetAddress": "string",
"city": "string",
"postalCode": "string",
"country": "string",
"latitude": 0,
"longitude": 0,
"timezone": "string",
"parentSiteId": 0,
"payerId": 0,
"costId": "string",
"paymentRecipientId": 0,
"parkingType": "string",
"parentName": "string",
"numberOfChargers": 0,
"numberOfSubsites": 0,
"sitePath": [
"siteId": 0,
"siteName": "string"
"tariffReferences": [
"groupId": "string",
"tariffId": "string",
"usageType": 0
"metadata": [
"notes": "string"
Exception Details
Example (from schema)
errorCode string
message string
errorNumber int32
helpLink string
"errorCode": "string",
"message": "string",
"errorNumber": 0,
"helpLink": "string"
User not authorised