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Query charging sessions

x-ms-visibility: "important"

Retrieve a list of charging sessions

Request Body

Query details for the charging sessions.

    page int32 nullable
    limit int32 nullable
    sortKey string
    sortDescending boolean nullable
    startTime date-time nullable
    startTimeSearchEnd date-time nullable
    stopTimeSearchBegin date-time nullable
    stopTime date-time nullable
    chargerIDs string[]
    driverIDs string[]
    siteIDs string[]
    rfidTags string[]

List of charging sessions accessible by the user.

    page int32
    limit int32
    totalRecords int64
    hasNextPage boolean
    hasPreviousPage boolean
    items object[]
  • Array [
  • timestampStart date-time
    timestampEnd date-time
    chargerId string
    socketId int32
    authorizedTagId string
    authorizedUserId int64
    userName string
    siteId int64
    siteName string
    driverSiteId int64 nullable
    driverSiteName string
    fullConsumptionWh int32
    fullConsumptionKWh double
    transactionLengthMinutes double
    id int64
    unitPowerCost double nullable
    currency string
    vatPercent double nullable
    energyPriceInclVat double nullable
    energyPriceExclVat double nullable
    chargingTimePriceInclVat double nullable
    chargingTimePriceExclVat double nullable
    parkingTimePriceInclVat double nullable
    parkingTimePriceExclVat double nullable
    flatFeeInclVat double nullable
    flatFeeExclVat double nullable
    totalMarginAmount double nullable
    reductionAmount double nullable
    totalCostInclVat double nullable
    totalCostExclVat double nullable
    totalVatAmount double nullable
    evseTransactionId string
    operationTimestamp date-time nullable
    origin string
  • ]