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Enabling Express

Express is enabled by default for all the eMabler platform CPOs. By adding the missing configurations you can start using Express in a matter of days.

Steps required to take Express into use:

  1. Contact our customer support to start the creation of the payment account with our payment provider
  • eMabler will not be collecting money from the charging sessions generated through Express, but those will be accounted directly to your company through Fung Payments, our payment service provider
  • This process requires some time to get the agreements sorted out, so be prepared for that
  • At the same time we can provide you with the QR/NFC stickers which can be applied to chargers
  1. Configure the look-and-feel settings through eMabler UI
  2. Configure individual chargers to Express

After this you are all set up to provide your charger users charging using Express, the ad hoc payment solution!