Fetch CDRs from the CPO’s system.
Fetch CDRs from the CPO’s system.
Query Parameters
Only return objects that have last_updated after or equal to this Date/Time (inclusive).
Only return objects that have last_updated up to this Date/Time, but not including (exclusive).
The offset of the first object returned. Default is 0 (the first object).
The maximum number of objects to GET.
Header Parameters
Token Base64encodedtoken
Unique request ID
Unique correlation ID
- 200
- 400
The OK response
Response Headers
X-Limit any
The maximum number of objects that the server can return.
X-Total-Count any
The total number of objects available in the server system that match the given parameters.
Link any
Link to the next page if exists.
- Array [
- Array [
- Array [
- ]
- Array [
- Array [
- ]
- ]
- Array [
- ]
- Array [
- ]
- ]
- Array [
- Array [
- ]
- ]
- Array [
- ]
- ]
data object[]
cdrToken object
Possible values: [0
, 1
, 2
, 3
Default value: 0
Possible values: [0
, 1
, 2
Default value: 0
cdrLocation object
Possible values: [0
, 1
, 2
, 3
, 4
, 5
, 6
, 7
Default value: 0
coordinates object
Possible values: [0
, 1
Default value: 0
Possible values: [0
, 1
, 2
, 3
, 4
Default value: 0
tariffs object[]
Possible values: [0
, 1
, 2
, 3
, 4
Default value: 0
tariffAltText object[]
minPrice object
maxPrice object
elements object[]
priceComponents object[]
Possible values: [0
, 1
, 2
, 3
Default value: 0
restrictions object
Possible values: [0
, 1
, 2
, 3
, 4
, 5
, 6
Possible values: [0
, 1
Default value: 0
energyMix object
energySources object[]
Possible values: [0
, 1
, 2
, 3
, 4
, 5
, 6
, 7
Default value: 0
environImpact object[]
Possible values: [0
, 1
Default value: 0
chargingPeriods object[]
dimensions object[]
Possible values: [0
, 1
, 2
, 3
, 4
, 5
, 6
, 7
, 8
, 9
, 10
, 11
, 12
, 13
Default value: 0
signedData object
signedValues object[]
totalCost object
totalFixedCost object
totalEnergyCost object
totalTimeCost object
totalParkingCost object
totalReservationCost object
"data": [
"partyId": "string",
"countryCode": "string",
"id": "string",
"startDateTime": "2025-01-22T07:25:44.342Z",
"endDateTime": "2025-01-22T07:25:44.342Z",
"sessionId": "string",
"cdrToken": {
"uid": "string",
"type": 0,
"contractId": "string",
"countryCode": "string",
"partyId": "string"
"authMethod": 0,
"authorizationReference": "string",
"cdrLocation": {
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"parkingType": 0,
"address": "string",
"city": "string",
"postalCode": "string",
"state": "string",
"country": "string",
"coordinates": {
"latitude": "string",
"longitude": "string"
"evseUid": "string",
"evseId": "string",
"connectorId": "string",
"connectorStandard": "string",
"connectorFormat": 0,
"connectorPowerType": 0,
"locationLastUpdated": "2025-01-22T07:25:44.342Z",
"chargerLastUpdated": "2025-01-22T07:25:44.342Z",
"connectorLastUpdated": "2025-01-22T07:25:44.342Z"
"meterId": "string",
"currency": "string",
"tariffs": [
"id": "string",
"countryCode": "string",
"partyId": "string",
"currency": "string",
"type": 0,
"tariffAltText": [
"language": "string",
"text": "string"
"tariffAltUrl": "string",
"minPrice": {
"exclVat": 0,
"inclVat": 0
"maxPrice": {
"exclVat": 0,
"inclVat": 0
"elements": [
"priceComponents": [
"type": 0,
"price": 0,
"vat": 0,
"stepSize": 0
"restrictions": {
"startTime": "string",
"endTime": "string",
"startDate": "string",
"endDate": "string",
"minKwh": 0,
"maxKwh": 0,
"minCurrent": 0,
"maxCurrent": 0,
"minPower": 0,
"maxPower": 0,
"minDuration": 0,
"maxDuration": 0,
"dayOfWeek": [
"reservation": 0
"startDateTime": "2025-01-22T07:25:44.342Z",
"endDateTime": "2025-01-22T07:25:44.342Z",
"energyMix": {
"isGreenEnergy": true,
"energySources": [
"source": 0,
"percentage": 0
"environImpact": [
"category": 0,
"amount": 0
"supplierName": "string",
"energyProductName": "string"
"lastUpdated": "2025-01-22T07:25:44.342Z"
"chargingPeriods": [
"startDateTime": "2025-01-22T07:25:44.342Z",
"dimensions": [
"type": 0,
"volume": 0
"tariffId": "string"
"signedData": {
"encodingMethod": "string",
"encodingMethodVersion": 0,
"publicKey": "string",
"signedValues": [
"nature": "string",
"plainData": "string",
"signedData": "string"
"url": "string"
"totalCost": {
"exclVat": 0,
"inclVat": 0
"totalFixedCost": {
"exclVat": 0,
"inclVat": 0
"totalEnergy": 0,
"totalEnergyCost": {
"exclVat": 0,
"inclVat": 0
"totalTime": 0,
"totalTimeCost": {
"exclVat": 0,
"inclVat": 0
"totalParkingTime": 0,
"totalParkingCost": {
"exclVat": 0,
"inclVat": 0
"totalReservationCost": {
"exclVat": 0,
"inclVat": 0
"remark": "string",
"invoiceReferenceId": "string",
"credit": true,
"creditReferenceId": "string",
"lastUpdated": "2025-01-22T07:25:44.342Z",
"homeChargingCompensation": true
"statusCode": 0,
"statusMessage": "string",
"timestamp": "2025-01-22T07:25:44.342Z"
Something went wrong