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Updated Token objects are pushed from the eMSP to the CPO.

Updated Token objects are pushed from the eMSP to the CPO.

Path Parameters
    country_code_id string required

    Country code of the eMSP sending this PUT request

    party_id string required

    Party ID (Provider ID) of the eMSP sending this PUT request

    token_uid string required

    Token.uid of the Token object to create or replace

Query Parameters
    type string

    Token.type of the Token to create or replace. Default if omitted: RFID

Header Parameters
    X-Request-ID string required

    Unique request ID

    X-Correlation-ID string required

    Unique correlation ID

Request Body
    partyId string
    countryCode string
    uid string
    type int32

    Possible values: [0, 1, 2, 3]

    Default value: 0

    contractId string
    visualNumber string
    issuer string
    groupId string
    valid boolean
    whitelist int32

    Possible values: [0, 1, 2, 3]

    Default value: 0

    language string
    defaultProfileType int32 nullable

    Possible values: [0, 1, 2, 3]

    Default value: 0

    energyContract object
    supplierName string
    contractId string
    lastUpdated date-time nullable

The OK response


