Access control
With Connect you can flexibly decide how you want give access to your operators. You can decide which features and which sites/chargers are available for your operators to manage. By combining these mechanisms you can create access policies which suit your organization.
You can manage operators in Settings
> Operators
in Connect.
Access to features
You can limit access to only certain features. Your operators can for example be able to view chargers and sites, but not edit or delete them. Feature access is decided with permissions
. To make handling large number of operators easier, you can bundle permissions
to roles
Note that when accessing APIs with a generated API key, these permissions apply to that API key as well.
Access to sites
You might have sites and chargers divided to different countries or areas and you want certain operators to only have access to some sites. This can be achieved by giving operators certain site access. Site access ensures that operators can only see sites and chargers where they have explicitly been given access.
Home site
If site access dictates which sites and chargers the operators can access, how can you then decide which operators or drivers are accessible? By linking operator or driver to sites by giving them a home site! When operator or driver has a home site, they basically belong to that site. That way you can limit the visibility of drivers and operators the same way as you can with sites and chargers.