Home site
You might have noticed the field Home site
associated with Operators and Drivers. Home site is used to connect both Operators and Drivers to the site access. If an operator has home site set, only operators with access to that site under site access will be able to see that operator.
Home site
dictates who can see the operatorSite access
dictates what the operator can see
For operators home site dictates how operators with Site admin
permission can view other operators. If your organization doesn't need operators with Site admin
permission, you can leave home site empty for all your operators.
Site admin example
Let's imagine you have business in both Finland and Sweden. Your site structure is something like this:
- Finland
- Finnish site 1
- Finnish site 2
- ...
- Sweden
- Swedish site 1
- Swedish site 2
- ...
You have separate business organizations for Finland and Sweden and don't want Finnish operators edit Swedish operators' permissions and vice versa. In that case you would give your Finnish operators home site Finland
and site access to Finland
only. That way your Finnish operators can only access other Finnish operators details and they won't have access to change Swedish operators' permissions.
Same logic applies for drivers. If you want to limit visibility of drivers to operators with certain site access, please provide them a home site. Home site only dictates which operators can access the driver, it won't affect which chargers the driver can use.